RCM sensor uses electrical resistance to measure the corrosion and thinning of metals.
To minimize the effects of temperature changes, the RCM sensor prepares the same pattern and uses one side as a reference for comparison.
Sensor types
We provide various types of sensors for your purpose.
It can be customized to meet your requirements.

Flat type
- Stepless structure, which prevents water accumulation.

Flexible type
- Polyimide is used for substrate instead of glass fiber epoxy.

Overlap type
- For evaluating the amount of corrosion thinning on uneven objects.

Straight type
- Increase the electrode width to reduce the impact of localized corrosion.
In order to increase the value of measured electrical resistance, the metal electrode has an elongated shape. the electrical resistance of the coated electrode is used as the reference electrode to reduce the influence of temperature change, and the corrosion amount is calculated from the ratio of the electrical resistance between the reference electrode and the exposed electrode
Carbon Steel, Galvanized Steel, Aluminum Alloy etc.,
1m ※Length and Specifications can be customized
Connection to Measuring
Waterproof Connector
SRCM-301 SRCM-301R
Heat resistant temperature
Options can be combined to suit the installation environment.

Extension cable
- For measurements when the sensor and logger are located at a distance
- One-touch connector
If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact us.
Installation Locations
Lattice tower

Infrastructure corrosion (High-voltage line)
Coastal area

Splashing environment

Salt damage from seawater

Infrastructure corrosion (Bridge)
Industrial plant

Influence of corrosion factors with ACM sensor
In the soil

Measurements in soil

Severe conditions such as cold regions

Pipe wall thinning
Papers (Japanese)
- 電気抵抗式Zn-RCMセンサを用いた大気環境中における亜鉛めっきの腐食評価
- 様々な環境下における電気抵抗式 RCM センサの出力と実腐食との関係
- 電気抵抗式RCMセンサの局部腐食発生時の挙動検討
- Zn-RCM センサによる大気腐食モニタリング
- 電気抵抗式 Zn-RCM センサによる大気腐食モニタリング
- 様々な環境下における電気抵抗式 RCM センサの出力特性
- 電気抵抗式 RCMセンサの局部腐食発生時の挙動検討