Product Lineup

USB Type

  • Lightweight and compact
  • Connects to PC for measurement

Gap Corrosion Re-passivation Potential Measurement System

  • 4-channel measurement of re-passivation potential for crevice corrosion of metallic materials

Multi-Electrochemical Measurement System

  • 3 measurement modes
  • Potentiostat (constant potential), galvanostat (constant current), electrometer (potential measurement)

Multi-Electrochemical Measurement System

  • 5 measurement modes
  • Potentiostat (constant potential), galvanostat (constant current), electrometer (potential measurement), ZRA (non-resistance current measurement), dynamic potential polarization (linear, cyclic)

High-impedance differential amplifier

  • Multi-channel (2ch/4ch) measurement of the potential between two electrodes without being affected by noise in systems with high electrical resistance, such as in pure water environments

Ultra-high impedance differential amplifier

  • Ideal for measurements of corrosion potential and measurements that require protection from the effects of interference between measurement systems